Re: [hatari-devel] Interface and Hatari

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On 07/03/2016 11:32 PM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 03/07/2016 à 21:33, Roger Burrows a écrit :
On 2 Jul 2016 at 23:11, David Savinkoff wrote:

----- Roger Burrows wrote:
I'm using the Hatari 1.9.0 release version under Linux, built via
cmake (I was using the default setup, so I assume I got the old UAE core).

In the development versions CPU core version is stated
in the window title.

In v1.9 you can see it from the CPU options (in cli help and GUI).
WinUAE has additional options, e.g. for FPU & MMU.


Interface 2.30 crashes during its startup on TOS 4.04, TOS 1.04 and

Works fine with Hatari-devel version me when using mono,
4MB, TOS v1.04 and GEMDOS HD.  Works fine also with an old
Hatari build I had named as v1.9, and Debian's v1.8 Hatari

Note: Application was in directory named intrface.233, but
its about dialog stated it to be 2.30 version.

OK, I renamed my old hatari.cfg, and Interface still crashes.
Interface (of
course) works on real Hatari hardware, so I regard this as a Hatari

Is Hatari emulation setup exactly like your real "Hatari hardware" :-)
setup?  Same RAM, disk, TOS etc?

Some of your Interface files aren't by accident unreadable
(some zip archives leave files without read bits enabled)?

If anyone has Interface working on 1.9.0, please tell me how.
Otherwise, I
guess I'll use Aranym when I need to run Interface.

what is "interface" exactly ? A game, an util ? Do you have an url
pointing to some ressources about it ?

A RSC-file GUI editor.


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