Re: [hatari-devel] HD floppy timing

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Le 11/06/2016 11:00, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 11/06/2016 à 01:46, Roger Burrows a écrit :

OK, here are the results:
machine=falcon (8MHz) : 300 rpm for both DD & HD
machine=falcon (16MHz & 32MHz) : 600 rpm for both DD & HD
machine=tt (8MHz): 300 rpm for both DD & HD
machine=tt (16 MHz & 32MHz): 601 rpm for both DD & HD


are those tests under Hatari or under real HW ? (I'm not sure a falcon can be set to 8 MHz)

> are those tests under Hatari or under real HW ? (I'm not sure a falcon can be set to 8 MHz)

Yes, a falcon can be set to 8 Mhz (by setting the correct value at address $FFFF8007)

$FF8007|byte |Falcon Bus Control BIT 5 . . 2 . 0|R/W (F030)
       |     |STe Bus Emulation (0 - on) ---------------'     |   ||
       |     |Blitter (0 - 8mhz, 1 - 16mhz) ------------------'   ||
       |     |68030 (0 - 8mhz, 1 - 16mhz) ------------------------'|


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