Re: [hatari-devel] Palette bug in Lotus III

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Le 12/12/2015 21:19, Miro Kropáček a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

    I don't see this when trying lotus 3. Can you give more informations
    : stf/ste ? which version/crack did you use ? ram size ? tos ? cpu
    settings ?

it seems to be related to switching between CPUs/settings because I'm
unable to reproduce it: I had a Falcon/14 MB/4.04 configuration as
default, changed it to ST/2 MB/1.02, pushed the reset button and there
were those problems. I saved the settings, switched Hatari off, started
the classic version and everything was fine. But now I'm trying the
winuae version again (didn't touch the settings), it works as well.

Perhaps not worth an investigation.

I once saw a case where all insructions were offset by 2 cycles, which could break changing video regs. But after a reset it's gone and I was unable to trigger it again :(

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