Re: [hatari-devel] MacOsX, Hatari, SDL2

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Thank you for all of your work on this. It also appears one of the best things to happen is simply for some of the OS X SDL2 bugs to be fixed. Cmd-F never works for me. However, I just upgraded to El Capitan (10.11) so that could have something to do with it. I see the black full screen briefly before Hatari changes back to window mode. I have tried it five times in a row without Hatari once staying in full screen mode. On the other hand, ctrl-cmd-F works perfectly every time.

I look forward to seeing the linear scaling option in the GUI so I can try it.


Is there any way the documentation could be updated to state that the OS X version uses the Cmd key instead of AltGr? In addition, US (and possibly other keyboard layouts as well) PC keyboards do not have the AltGr key. I did not know what the AltGr key was until I went to Belgium for the first time. A short note that says to use the right Alt key if your keyboard does not have an AltGr key might be useful.

From my experience, the OS X version has all of the same shortcut keys as defined in the documentation. However, I have had questions on Atari Forum because the user did not know which modifier key applied to OS X.

Bob C

> On Oct 2, 2015, at 11:44 AM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 02/10/2015 18:37, Jerome Vernet a écrit :
>> Booth cmd-F and ctrl-cmd-F work for me. But cmd-F sometime do the thing
>> twice (full screen then windows).
>> With SDL2, with OpenGL rendering, scaling should be very easy, and also
>> CRT effect.
>> Jerome
> SDL GUI have a SDL2 Options with "linear scaling" that make full screen
> perfect ! I didn't see it previously. Will add it to MacOsX GUI
> Great !
> Jerome

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