Re: [hatari-devel] MacOsX, Hatari, SDL2 |
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Thank you for providing the compiled version of SDL 2.0.4. In the past, I have not had much like compiling the SDL framework. As you say, full screen now works but it is definitely jaggy.
However, the worse problem is that I cannot exit full screen mode with Cmd-F. I see the Desktop briefly and it pops me back into full screen mode. Since Hatari’s full screen mode appears to trap the mouse, I cannot get to the menu bar in order to see if I can exit full screen mode the normal OS X way.
However, I am much more hopeful for an SDL2 version of Hatari than I have been for a long time.
Bob C
> On Oct 1, 2015, at 3:02 PM, Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 01/10/2015 03:40, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
>> Jerome,
>> I would be interested in the SDL 2.0.4 framework that you compiled.
> Here it is !
> You can build SDL yourself, as easy as Hatari, there is a XCode project.
> JV