Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Next Hatari version for OS X

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On maanantai 14 syyskuu 2015, Anders Eriksson wrote:
> One thing I forgot to mention last time, which is also an old bug that's
> still there: When exiting Hatari with WinUAE CPU, Hatari crashes instead
> of exiting.
> A short video that illustrates the bug:

Looking at the video, it seems that you're using Falcon mode with TOS v4.

Are there any other steps needed to reproduce the crash?

Just booting TOS v4, using SDL GUI and closing Hatari doesn't cause
any problems on Linux and Valgrind doesn't report any issues either.

If your use-case is really this simple, I assume the problem is OSX
specific, either in the OSX GUI code (which is maintained by OSX
users, not us), or OSX libSDL.

	- Eero

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