[hatari-devel] ISHAR 1, 2, 3 Falcon problem ? |
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Hi all,
I wanted to play to the Ishar trilogy on hatari (falcon varsion).
It seems that none of them is working (I've also tested transartica
which seems also not to work).
I've taken all images from
for all the 4 programs, iIt seems that hatari waits forever at the
following code :
$0004fc3c : 0109 0000 movep.w 0(a1),d0
$0004fc40 : b041 cmp.w d1,d0
$0004fc42 : 6b00 fff8 bmi $4fc3c
with A1 = $00FF8207
So it seems that the programs always wait for the screen position beam
to change, which is currently not implemented into the current hatari
videl version.
Is it the case for someone else here too ?