Re: [hatari-devel] ISHAR 1, 2, 3 Falcon problem ?

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See also doc/todo.txt and my mail from early 2013:
"Bug: Hextracker freezes on startup with Falcon emulation?"

This behavior is a regression from your 22d3c9f30097
commit in early 2012:
	hg diff -c 22d3c9f30097

	- Eero

On sunnuntai 13 syyskuu 2015, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wanted to play to the Ishar trilogy on hatari (falcon varsion).
> It seems that none of them is working (I've also tested transartica
> which seems also not to work).
> I've taken all images from
> for all the 4 programs, iIt seems that hatari waits forever at the
> following code :
> $0004fc3c : 0109 0000                          movep.w   0(a1),d0
> $0004fc40 : b041                               cmp.w     d1,d0
> $0004fc42 : 6b00 fff8                          bmi       $4fc3c
> with A1 = $00FF8207
> So it seems that the programs always wait for the screen position beam
> to change, which is currently not implemented into the current hatari
> videl version.
> Is it the case for someone else here too ?
> Regards
> Laurent

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