Re: [hatari-devel] Data cache Issues?

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Le 02/07/2015 10:20, laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx a écrit :
On torstai 02 heinäkuu 2015, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 30/06/2015 21:51, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
* ChainZ loops with exception 3 at startup
    - works at least with older oldUAE

* JewelZ loops with exception 3 at startup
    (if user selects real Falcon instead of Hatari)
    - works at least with older oldUAE

* Kart game crashes at startup
    - worked more with older WinUAE version

* Teknoballs loops with exception 3 at startup
    - works at least with older oldUAE

These don't anymore crash, they all have similar DSP issue as T2.

these games are now fixed.


I've verified them too.
Nice Fix Nicolas, we've now reached the same level of compatibility than with the previous version of the new CPU.


did you also check your 2 games and your recent demo ? Do they still work ?

For moongame, we've always had this problem of mouse that doesn't move into the main menu, with all hatari versions (old cpu, new cpu, ...)
I tried to find the problem without succes, but I know Nicolas is much more skilled than me with bugs ;) (that's a true fact).
If he has some time one day to throw an eye on this problem, I agree Moongame would be a great game to be emulated by Hatari.
And I'm pretty sure that the game will work as long as we manage to have the mouse working in the main menu.

I will try to have a look ; maybe they sent a custom program to the ikbd ?


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