Re: [hatari-devel] DSP performance |
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Got it ;) From an old exchange from 2011 with Mikro : > NOP (2 or 4 cycles) ? > 68030 UM: 2(0/0/0) 2(0/1/0)(total number of cycles) - (number of bus activity cycles) = (number of internal cycles)
Cache case: 2 - 0*2 = 2 Non-cache case: 2 - 1*2 = 0Once we have this number (internal cycles), we can re-calculate the bus activity (4 clock cycles for 1 bus cycle plus split every instruction for byte+word and long access, since these numbers differ on Falcon 16-bit bus):
Cache case: 2 + 0*4 = 2 cycles (no prefetch, no data, the number of cycles stays)
Non-cache case: 0 + 1*4 = 4 cycles (instruction prefetch = 1 bus access), There's this internal cycle to count when there's a bus access.So, my static table could be used to verify the cycles in cache and uncached modes for 16 bits and 32 bits instructions. I did the job for nearly all 68030 instructions except MMU ones and FPU ones.
I also used a openoffice table file of mine to help me computing the FALCON values (I'll try to find it, I've lost it for now).
So I'm pretty sure that the current 68030 timings into the new core are for AMIGA, not FALCON.
Laurent Le 30/06/2015 23:24, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Hi Nicolas, That's where I don't agree.I've recomputed the whole table according to Mikro's explanation, and my static table contained ATARI 68030 cycles (16 bit bus) (and not AMIGA ones with 32 bit bus).The NOP is given into the documentation like this : /*903 */ {0, 0, 2,0,0,0, 2,0,1,0}, // NOP.L So, in instruction cache mode, NOP is 0 head, 0 tail and 2 cycles)But in non cached mode, there's one access to the bus, so the cycles taken by the instruction is 4 cycles, not 2 (I'll try to find again the rule behing this). That's why I recomputed the whole table by hand to have the Falcon 16 bit bus values and not the 68030 default 32 bit bus onesRegards Laurent Le 29/06/2015 00:03, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :Also, I have the feeling the table was based on 68020, not 68030 ? For example, NOP took 2 cycles in cache and 4 cycles with no cache, but 68030 doc says it's always 2 cycles (same for EXG dx,dy, timings are different between cache and no cache, but it should not be the case).
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