Re: [hatari-devel] Obscure instruction pairing bug

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>> When preparing my entry for Sommarhack demo party next weekend, I ran
>> into an issue where my code worked fine in Hatari, but not on my STE. It
>> seems like Hatari is missing some obsucre instruction pairing
>> combination.
>> I boiled down the code to a visual and clear example, where the stripes
>> on hardware are at an angle, but vertical in Hatari. Code and binary in
>> the attached zip.
> In Hatari, they're at angle with US TOS and vertical with UK TOS.
> TOSes have different default screen update HZ.
> Did you use same TOS / HZ both on your STE and in Hatari?

Sorry, I only tested with Swedish TOS (50Hz), but atleast I used the same version, 2.06 in both hatari and on the hardware.


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