Re: [hatari-devel] Big bug in the SDL UI

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Le 24/06/2015 20:28, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

This will do this part of the if in SDLGui_DoDialog
         if (current_object >= 0 && dlg[current_object].type ==

But current_object refers to an object in main menu, while dlg not
refers to the new dialog menu we want to draw (the "you need to reset"
dialog), so this doesn't make sense.

So I wonder, why does current_object keeps its value between different
dialogs ? From what I see, it should be set to 0 (or -1) when a new
dialog opens in SDLGui_DoDialog(), is there a case where we want
current_object to be propagated between different dialog as it is now ?

This is now fixed, this bug was introduced long time ago when scrollbar clickable scrollbar was added to the SDL UI (in rev 2939 from 14 Sep 2010

When clicking on the scrollbar, dlgFileSelect.c will call SDLGui_DoDialog in a loop with the previous value of current_object. The problem is that any dialog will also keep the previous value of current_object, so this line :

if (current_object >= 0 && dlg[current_object].type == SGSCROLLBAR) {

Is bad, bacause current_object can refer to a previous dialog while dlg is a new/different dialog ; so they can't be mixed (only in the case where the fileselector dialog is called in a loop).

Depending on the compiled code, dlg[current_object].type can be any value ; in my case it was SGSCROLLBAR, which explains why the "you need to reset dialog" was immediately closed and behaved as "cancel".

I added a parameter to SDLGui_DoDialog to clean or not current_object, this fixes the issue.


PS : I wanted to try "mudflap" with this to see if it detects the leak, but unfortunatelly mudflap was discontinued with latest gcc 4.9. It's replaced by "-fsanitize=address" ( , but after some quick tests it didn't seem to detect this case :(

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