Re: [hatari-devel] Big bug in the SDL UI

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Hi, no problem, I found the cause for this and have a patch I will commit soon.

Le 27 juin 2015 22:13, Thomas Huth a écrit:
Am Wed, 24 Jun 2015 20:28:00 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Le 24/06/2015 09:24, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
as stated above, this is random ; my change should require a reset,
so the confirmation dialog not showing depending on where I clicked
in the "Prefetch mode, slower" text is a bug.

Here's how I can reproduce it on every try ; it looks random at
first, but in fact it's because it depends on the X location of the
mouse when clicking "Prefetch mode, slower"

- compile hatari with winuae cpu (to have more options in the system
- remove hatari.cfg so that hatari will start with its default values
- run for example : hatari --tos tos404.img --machine falcon
- press F12, go into system dialog
- default is that "prefetch mode" is selected
- click on the "c" in the text "prefetch mode", this will disable 
prefetch mode
- now, without moving the mouse, press "enter"
- you go back to the main menu, notice that since the mouse was above 
the "c" of "prefetch mode", it is now above the "no reset" object
- press "enter" again to exit main menu

- we go back to emulation, but there was no "you need to reset" dialog

repeat above steps, but click on the "p" of "prefetch mode" to
disable it, press "enter" twice and now the dialog "you need to
reset" should appear.

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