[hatari-devel] debugger triggers

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It would be quite helpful (for code debugging purposes) if Hatari could be configured to jump into the debugger when certain types of obvious faults occur, even if they are not all specifically 68k exceptions.

e.g. I sometimes end up with a bug that causes this....

Illegal lget at 206eee6c PC=206eee64
Illegal lget at 206eee70 PC=206eee68
Illegal lget at 206eee74 PC=206eee6c
Illegal lget at 206eee78 PC=206eee70

...which spams the console so much that it results in complete loss of control over Hatari and a loss of the TTY history due to the flood.

This kind of error spam can also occur with DSP illegal exception (which is a native exception type on DSP, not just an emulation warning) and Laurent gave me a patch/hack to get around this temporarily - but still it would be better to have all such cases open the debugger on the first event, if the debugger has been configured to do so (commandline switches?).

I'm fine with the idea that the default mode should not trigger the debugger and just behave as an emulated machine should - however there is never really a situation where unending TTY spam helps so 1...N(max) reports should be capped for the default case too. (I think Eero mentioned this fact already).


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