Re: [hatari-devel] Release time for 1.8.1 ?

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- Douglas' DSP debugger & FPU dissembly issues [1]

[1] Douglas, now that you got latest Hatari working, could
    you recheck these issues whether they still happen?

The strange FPU-related crashing has definitely been resolved, however I don't yet know if the debugger problems were caused by that (probably) or still present. I'll try to determine this - although it would involve fabricating a crash, which may not tell us anything particularly useful.

I will check the FPU disasm to see if it has improved - that should be easy enough.

And I would really like something to be done for the zero-cycles
regression with WinUAE CPU core, especially if this is going to
be .1 release instead of .0 one.  It makes profiler much
less useful with the new WinUAE CPU core version.

-> could you look at it e.g. with Laurent?

I haven't tried profiling in the latest version yet - but will look for these effects on the next run. I think it will be a while before the Falcon cycle counts make sense in the new core anyway, based on what Laurent said earlier.


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