Re: [hatari-devel] Memory state save/restore bug in floppy_ipf.c

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Le 01/05/2015 19:24, Steven Noonan a écrit :
There's an error in how floppy_ipf.c does save/restore. On the restore
path, it tries to use the CAPSFdcInvalidateTrack call before it has
initialized the and Fdc.driveprc pointers, which causes it
to dereference an invalid memory location. This only happens if you
save the VM state, exit and reopen Hatari, then load the state. If you
save/load in the same run of Hatari you won't see the issue because
the addresses will still be valid.

A patch to correct the issue is attached.


thanks, patch applied, although in my case restoring a snapshot never crashed, I guess it depends on compiler/options.


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