Re: [hatari-devel] Is it me or the symbols prg option is broken ?

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On lauantai 02 toukokuu 2015, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> I found a bug in Hatari's conditional breakpoints code.  It didn't expect
> breakpoints to be removed during parsing of debugger files in chained
> breakpoints.
> For now, I'd recommend removing "b all" from the debugger files that are
> specified to be read when breakpoint is hit.  I'll fix the issue soon.

This should now be fixed:

But it required largish change and the breakpoint code is pretty 
complicated, so I would appreciate some testing on this also by others 
(check that whatever debugger breakpoint / scripting code you have, still 
works as expected).

While testing it, I bumped into profiler assert (maybe related to new TT-RAM 
support) that needs fixing next.  Sigh.

	- Eero

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