Re: [hatari-devel] SDL GUI creation from resource file

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> I think we should not make Hatari development depending on a tool that
> does not work natively with Linux.

There is also a Win32 version, and "wine orcs.exe" should work ;)

There should actually also be a native linux version, but unfortunately its currently broken and i could not find the problem yet. Also the gui of the X version was always a big hack, it does not use any widget libraries like gtk, and therefore i handling of scrollbars etc. is a bit messy. But the win32 should be quite usable though.

> But still, great to see that there's
> a new version of ORCS :-)

Great to see that there are still some very well known people around ;)
You're welcome to use it for whatever you may need it.


Thomas Huth <th.huth@xxxxxx> schrieb am 20:25 Montag, 9.Februar 2015:

Am Mon, 9 Feb 2015 06:19:12 +0000 (UTC)
schrieb Thorsten Otto <halgara@xxxxxxxx>:

> Hi,
> if you are interested, i have created a resource file that contains
> the dialogs used in the SDL gui configuration. Attached you will find
> an archive that contains the binary files together with a patch that
> makes them usable.


that's an interesting hack ... but as much as I liked ORCS in the 90s,
I think we should not make Hatari development depending on a tool that
does not work natively with Linux. But still, great to see that there's
a new version of ORCS :-)


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