Re: [hatari-devel] SDL GUI creation from resource file

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> If you were able to convert an edited 'sdlgui.sdl' file back
> into  'sdlgui.rsc' and 'sdlgui.rso' files

Thats not easy possible unfortunately, there is simply not enough information in the generated source file.
But you can try to write a perl script or something if you want to. You might also use some other definition file format then, most probably *.rsm (because it's text based, and the other formats have too restrictive limits regarding identifier length). Of course i can also explain the format of *.rso files.


David Savinkoff <dsavnkff@xxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 23:35 Montag, 9.Februar 2015:

I compiled Hatari with the patch and it appears to be the
same as without the patch (this was certainly expected).

If you were able to convert an edited 'sdlgui.sdl' file back
into  'sdlgui.rsc' and 'sdlgui.rso' files, there would be no
dependency on ORCS other than the convenience of
using it to make SDL menus. This could make ORCS
extremely useful for SDL in general.

----- Thomas Huth wrote:
> Am Mon, 9 Feb 2015 06:19:12 +0000 (UTC)
> schrieb Thorsten Otto <halgara@xxxxxxxx>:
> > Hi,
> > if you are interested, i have created a resource file that contains
> > the dialogs used in the SDL gui configuration. Attached you will find
> > an archive that contains the binary files together with a patch that
> > makes them usable.
>  Hi,
> that's an interesting hack ... but as much as I liked ORCS in the 90s,
> I think we should not make Hatari development depending on a tool that
> does not work natively with Linux. But still, great to see that there's
> a new version of ORCS :-)
>  Thomas

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