Re: [hatari-devel] Re: RAM detection issue with VDI (was HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core) |
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- To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: [hatari-devel] Re: RAM detection issue with VDI (was HDDriver issues with WinUAE CPU core)
- From: Uwe Seimet <Uwe.Seimet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 17:40:58 +0100
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; t=1421340059; l=435; s=domk;; h=In-Reply-To:Content-Disposition:Content-Type:MIME-Version: References:Subject:To:From:Date; bh=99ZYMwghGHVG+37n2yobXRz+fPI=; b=n6QPAUztJliwj1w5UgDZIjBucOt4FekPHOkdex4GNAbv0l66jwyfLE5+gtT4+5WDcgh H1hbUNvYIo16dfFKOBZaU0afs7NUkASJLADb0C6EeS1db3CvHvaDPWpKnp7wQsmWinx/8 0QYnYMmAFP7eL+awRM16ILb1eVUgYEca+FY=
> Ok, so the NVDI hang was probably WinUAE core regression, not
> due to the larger gap.
> I already updated the code to give smaller gap with other than
> TT mono resolutions though... If you have time, maybe you could
> update Hatari and see whether that afected the WinUAE core hang,
> to verify it's actually a WinAUE core issue, and not gap one?
With there current code nothing has changed.
Take care