Re: [hatari-devel] New WinUAE core issue with Bad Mood?

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Le 06/12/2014 01:09, Roger Burrows a écrit :
On 6 Dec 2014 at 0:38, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
Le 04/12/2014 20:05, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Some additional issues I noticed:

- EmuTOS 512k doesn't boot up in TT or Falcon mode, it just endlessly
    bus errors.

regarding emutos, I think the problem is that if the cpu is 68030, then
emutos expects the MMU to be available. I also get crashes if I don't
select MMU when 68030 is selected.
   - 68020 without MMU -> emutos 0.93 OK
   - 68030 with MMU -> emutos 0.93 OK
   - 68030 without MMU -> emutos crashes

You're correct, the latest version of EmuTOS expects that a real 68030 will
have the PMMU available.  It sets up the PMMU tables just like TOS 3.06.
However, during startup, if the processor appears to be a 68030 but PMOVE from
TC gets an exception, EmuTOS will assume it's running on a 68ec030 which it
doesn't expect to have a PMMU.

thanks for the explanations.

I need to check this, because so far 68030 without MMU will loop forever. This looks like an error in the cpu's core when it reaches e000b2, it seems prefetching is wrong and a wrong instruction gets executed, which creates an exception and a loop in the tos boot sequence.


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