Re: [hatari-devel] New WinUAE core issue with Bad Mood?

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Le 03/12/2014 23:33, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On keskiviikko 03 joulukuu 2014, Douglas Little wrote:
If it freezes near the start though it may actually be PMMU related, and
not timing accuracy (DSP part is timing sensitive but that sensitivity
isn't expressed until quite late in startup, immediately before drawing
game window).

With MMU enabled in Hatari I think it froze even earlier,
but MMU area is something where Nicolas is still getting
some fixes from newer WinUAE.

I will look at the profiler issue later on.


I'm currently merging with 2.9 beta 25, which represents quite a lot of changes since 3 months and a lot of conflicts while merging to resolve manually (for example, WinUAE added support for PPC emulation, as some Amiga's extension boards were released with PowerPC CPU ; this has no use for Hatari, but it makes the merging less straight forward)

Hopefully, I should have a working version soon to test, including the latest MMU fixes (in cases it helps with bad mood)

So, don't spend too much time looking for source of the problems, maybe the next version will resolve some of them. Else, some deeper analysis will be needed.


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