Re: [hatari-devel] New WinUAE core issue with Bad Mood?

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NoCrew MP2 player, and Douglas' BadMood freeze at start. 

BadMood is started with:
hatari --monitor vga --natfeats yes -s 14 --conout 2 --fast-forward yes \
  --machine falcon --fpu-type 68882 --tos tos404.img doom_t4.ttp

I'll look at this also, when I get a bit of time free - but not before the weekend ;-)

Even if it is an emulation accuracy thing, it might be something borderline in BM which can be avoided without cost and might recur at any time.

If it freezes near the start though it may actually be PMMU related, and not timing accuracy (DSP part is timing sensitive but that sensitivity isn't expressed until quite late in startup, immediately before drawing game window).

In earlier versions of Hatari I had some strange problems with PMMU where saving and restoring the SRP/CRP registers (root pointers & configuration) caused Hatari to explode when exiting the program.

In the case of SRP, it seems to be because the SRP is initially in a corrupt and invalid state on the Falcon, so writing back the original value just causes a real 68030 exception. i.e. there's no sensible way to save/restore that garbage state without an exception, or without correcting the value to something other than the original value. I therefore don't bother to save/restore it now.

For the CRP (or restoring some other PMMU register - may not be CRP), cause is less certain. It is also intermittent (lots and lots of bombs, before desktop). It might be the order I'm setting things or it could be an emulation accuracy thing. I've just not seen it happen on real HW.


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