Re: [hatari-devel] New version of WinUAE's cpu core -> 3.00b27

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I just updated the new WinUAE's cpu core to the latest version 3.00b27 (RC2 for next WinUAE).

This fixes some MMU status bits, improve cycle counts for 68000 in compatible/prefetch mode, fixes some small error in some opcodes or addressing mode and a few other changes.

This also fixes the problem reported with EmuTOS where it would not boot with 68030 in compatible or cycle exact mode.

While testing in falcon mode, I noticed that emulation was sometimes very slow when switching between normal or cycle exact mode, but this is not always reproducible, maybe it was even fixed.

So, if you see this problem, try to note your configuration's parameters before and after to get a workins scenario.


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