Re: [hatari-devel] New version of WinUAE's cpu core -> 3.00b27

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On tiistai 09 joulukuu 2014, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> I just updated the new WinUAE's cpu core to the latest version 3.00b27
> (RC2 for next WinUAE).

Did you commit everything?  I need following patch to get
Hatari compiling.

	- Eero

> This fixes some MMU status bits, improve cycle counts for 68000 in
> compatible/prefetch mode, fixes some small error in some opcodes or
> addressing mode and a few other changes.
> This also fixes the problem reported with EmuTOS where it would not boot
> with 68030 in compatible or cycle exact mode.
> While testing in falcon mode, I noticed that emulation was sometimes
> very slow when switching between normal or cycle exact mode, but this is
> not always reproducible, maybe it was even fixed.
> So, if you see this problem, try to note your configuration's parameters
> before and after to get a workins scenario.
diff -r d5d4a5daa92b src/cpu/CMakeLists.txt
--- a/src/cpu/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Dec 08 23:58:28 2014 +0100
+++ b/src/cpu/CMakeLists.txt	Tue Dec 09 23:40:12 2014 +0200
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
 			${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/readcpu.c cpudefs.c)
 	add_custom_command(OUTPUT cpustbl.c cpuemu_0.c cpuemu_11.c cpuemu_13.c
-				cpuemu_20.c cpuemu_21.c cpuemu_22.c cpuemu_31.c cpuemu_32.c cpuemu_33.c
+				cpuemu_20.c cpuemu_21.c cpuemu_22.c cpuemu_23.c cpuemu_24.c
+				cpuemu_31.c cpuemu_32.c cpuemu_33.c cpuemu_40.c
@@ -42,7 +43,8 @@
 	get_target_property(GENCPU_EXE gencpu LOCATION)
 	add_custom_command(OUTPUT cpustbl.c cpuemu_0.c cpuemu_11.c cpuemu_13.c
-				cpuemu_20.c cpuemu_21.c cpuemu_22.c cpuemu_31.c cpuemu_32.c cpuemu_33.c
+				cpuemu_20.c cpuemu_21.c cpuemu_22.c cpuemu_23.c cpuemu_24.c
+				cpuemu_31.c cpuemu_32.c cpuemu_33.c cpuemu_40.c

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