Re: [hatari-devel] New WinUAE core issue with Bad Mood?

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On 7 Dec 2014 at 21:42, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> I reported some traces to Tony Wilen, who confirmed me this was a bug in
> Winuae after an exception in MMU code happens. So it should be fixed soon.
OK, that's good.

> Apart from that, Tony gave me some infos about the 68ec030, so I further
> looked for 68EC030_Users_Manual_1990.pdf which you can find here :
> anual_1990_djvu.txt
> Basically, MMU registers TT0 an TT1 were renamed to AC0 and AC1, so
> expecting a line-f exception in emutos at address e00090 is not enough
> to detect a 68ec030 :
> $e00090 : f039 0800 00e0 013e                  pmove     $e0013e,tt0
> $e00098 : f039 0c00 00e0 013e                  pmove     $e0013e,tt1
> On a 68ec030, you won't get an error because those registers really exist.
Thanks for the feedback, but EmuTOS is ahead of you :-).  It doesn't expect to
get an error from the above instructions, which are only issued after EmuTOS
detects that it's running on a full 68030.  Before that happens, the processor
type is determined in the detect_cpu routine.  EmuTOS differentiates between a
68ec030 and a full 68030 by issuing the following instruction:
	pmove tc,temp
This instruction exists on the 68030 but not on the 68ec030.


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