Re: [hatari-devel] Mac build 1.8.0 #2 sanity check request

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Looking at the file command output for the Hatari executable, it appears the binary is 32 and 64 bit.

On Aug 12, 2014, at 5:05 PM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Le 13/08/2014 00:00, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
>> I have only one suggestion. Could you add Intel to the filename to make
>> it clear that this is only an Intel Mac binary? While there are
>> relatively few PPC Mac owners now, they are still very vocal. I would
>> rather prevent the download from someone who thinks this is either a
>> Universal Binary or that you compiled a PPC version.
> I will update the filename when I put it on the ftp server. Is it intel 64 bit only, or does it support 32 and 64 bit ?

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