Re: [hatari-devel] OSX corrections.

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Hi Bob,
You have to know: my job was not computing but electronic and I’m retired since 10 years.
I don’t know  emulator part of Hatari, neither SDSL1 or 2. If ask is to change OSx part so it runs accordingly SDL2  I’ll try. 
But for change emulator core my knowledge of Hatari and Unix are not suffisant!
At this time I use SDL1 with a personal Xcode project  because my target is not the emulator but OSx part.
I’ll  write you tomorrow directly.


Would it be possible to look at the necessary changes to support SDL2? I started with this, but I got stuck because I just do not know enough SDL or Objective C to make the changes. Hatari would still need to be able to compile under SDL 1.

Bob C

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