Re: [hatari-devel] My hatari builds for windows...

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On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 2:34 PM, Nicolas Pomarède
<npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Le 22/08/2014 14:25, Christer Solskogen a écrit :
>> On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 2:17 PM, Nicolas Pomarède
>> <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Maybe you could try linking with capslib for IPF support ?
>> I could if I could :-)
>> It seems to me that that library is compiled using Visual Studio, and not
>> gcc.
>> All my builds are cross compiled from my linux box.
>> If I could compile (and install) the library myself with gcc I could
>> try. But it don't seem like that library is compatible with gcc.
> To compile the windows build for each release, I compiled capslib with
> mingw. This creates capsimg.dll and capsimg.dll.a in 32 and 64 bit.
> In fact, you just need capsimg.dll.a + include files to be able to compile
> hatari and to resolve symbols during the compilation. In the final zip
> archive, I include the capsimg.dll compiled on windows by SPS
> You need to get capslib 4 sources, which contains 2 directories : one for
> windows / visual studio (that you can't use) and one for linux/osx/amiga
> (that should compile with mingw)

Well, that is perhaps the problem. I can't find the source.

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