[hatari-devel] OS X SDL2 fixes |
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I have downloaded the latest development code and here is what I see in the OS X version when I use SDL2.
1. As I enter fullscreen mode, I see the New Floppy Image window appear next to the Hatari window. I have tried to determine when it appears by putting in an NSAlert at the beginning of the doFullScreen function (class?), but the alert does not appear. I assume I did something wrong. I wanted to see if the alert appeared prior to the New Floppy Image window or not.
Miguel - do you have any idea why this window would appear only when using SDL2? I retested it when compiling the identical under SDL1 and I don’t see the extra window appear.
2. I could stop the OS from intercepting keys like Cmd-M and Cmd-F simply by removing the keyboard shortcuts in the NIB file. Once I did that, Hatari stopped crashing when I used the Cmd-F shortcut for fullscreen mode since OS X was not attempting to do the fullscreen logic itself.
3. Most times, when entering full screen mode, Hatari will only occupy the upper left corner of the screen until I move the mouse. Then, Hatari takes up the entire window.
4. The SDL2 fullscreen mode appears to be more “jaggy” than the SDL1 fullscreen mode. However, I did not notice it when playing a game. It was definitely noticeable when looking at the desktop.
5. Sometimes, but not always, the host (OS X) mouse pointer will stay on the screen in fullscreen mode along with the Atari mouse pointer. The OS X mouse pointer won’t move and only the Atari mouse pointer works in fullscreen.
I do not know how many of these problems affect any version besides OS X.
At this point, actually playing a game appears to work without a problem.
Bob C