[hatari-devel] keymap file for Windows/PC 101key German Keyboard -> Atari ST German keyboard |
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Below is a keymap file for Hatari which maps the SDL keys (under Windows) of a German PC keyboard to the corresponding Atari ST scancodes. This was needed because special characters ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü ß have not all been mapped correctly by default.
I was searching for a keymap file for a German keyboard but didn't find one. So I created this one myself. Would it make sense to create a place on the project page for such contributed keymap files from users.
------------------------- Begin:
keymap-win-st-german.txt ---------------------------
# This is an example for a keyboard mapping file that can be used in Hatari
# by loading it from the keyboard setup dialog.
# Lines starting with a '#' or with a ';' are comments..
# All other lines should contain exactly two numbers separated by a comma.
# The first number is the symbolic PC key code (see the SDL_keysym.h file
# from the SDL library header files which can usually be found in the
# folder /usr/include/SDL/).
# The corresponding key will be mapped to the ST key which is specified by
# second number - the ST scan code of the key (see src/keymap.c in the Hatari
# sources).
# tests/keymap/ directory contains programs to discover/test the PC SDL
# and Atari scan code values.
# Example: If you want to get the 'y' and 'z' keys right with a german TOS
# ROM, you can use the following two lines to map the PC keys to the right
# ST scan codes:
# Mapping: Windows/PC 101key German Keyboard -> Atari ST German keyboard
# SDL keysym, Atari ST scancode
27,1 # ESC
49,2 # 1
50,3 # 2
51,4 # 3
52,5 # 4
53,6 # 5
54,7 # 6
55,8 # 7
56,9 # 8
57,10 # 9
48,11 # 0
45,12 # ß
61,13 # '
8,14 # Backspace
9,15 # TAB
113,16 # Q
119,17 # W
101,18 # E
114,19 # R
116,20 # T
121,21 # Z
117,22 # U
105,23 # I
111,24 # O
112,25 # P
91,26 # Ü
93,27 # +
13,28 # Return
306,29 # Control
97,30 # A
115,31 # S
100,32 # D
102,33 # F
103,34 # G
104,35 # H
106,36 # J
107,37 # K
108,38 # L
59,39 # Ö
39,40 # Ä
92,41 # #
304,42 # Shift left
96,43 # ~
122,44 # Y
120,45 # X
99,46 # C
118,47 # V
98,48 # B
110,49 # N
109,50 # M
44,51 # ,
46,52 # .
47,53 # -
303,54 # Shift right
308,56 # Alternate
32,57 # Space
301,58 # CapsLock
282,59 # F1
283,60 # F2
284,61 # F3
285,62 # F4
286,63 # F5
287,64 # F6
288,65 # F7
289,66 # F8
290,67 # F9
291,68 # F10
278,71 # ClrHome
273,72 # Up
269,74 # NumPad -
276,75 # Left
275,77 # Right
270,78 # Numpad +
274,80 # Down
277,82 # Insert
127,83 # Delete
60,96 # <
302,97 # Scroll Lock -> Undo
316,98 # Print Screen -> Help
280,99 # Page Up -> (
281,100 # Page Down -> )
267,101 # Numpad /
268,102 # Numpad *
263,103 # Numpad 7
264,104 # Numpad 8
265,105 # Numpad 9
260,106 # Numpad 4
261,107 # Numpad 5
262,108 # Numpad 6
257,109 # Numpad 1
258,110 # Numpad 2
259,111 # Numpad 3
256,112 # Numpad 0
266,113 # Numpad .
271,114 # Numpad Enter
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