Re: [hatari-devel] Language designators

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Since 10.5 we can use "en" and "fr".  On other hand, actual SDLMain.nib can’t be edited  under 10.6,  If you want to compile under 10.5 & 10.6, you need to keep old nib files!
Question: what is minimum OSx you want to compile for?


Am Mon, 7 Jul 2014 18:08:28 +0200
schrieb Cocoa Pod <cocoa.pod@xxxxxxx>:

Because this doc part in Xcode 5.1.x:
"Designators included names such asEnglish, French, German, Japanese,
Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, and Portuguese among others.
Although these names are still recognized and processed by the
NSBundle class and Core Foundation bundle functions, their use is
deprecated and support for them in future versions of OS X or iOS is
not guaranteed." I think it would be better to use  en.lproj and

Would that prevent building Hatari with older versions of Xcode? If
yes, I think it might be better to stick with the old naming scheme for
a while 'til the old versions of Xcode are deprecated, too.


M et Y Saro
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