Re: LMC1992/Microwire test WAS: [hatari-devel] No sound in the Pacemaker Demo

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Le 05/06/2014 14:50, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

As for the serial protocol, as David noted in another post, the
datasheet for LMC1992 tells that :

"When the ENABLE line is low, data can be serially shifted from the
controller to the LMC1992. As the ENABLE line goes through the low-to
high transition, any additional data is ignored. Data present in the
internal shift register is latched and the instruction is executed"

This means the mask should contain 11 consecutive "1" bits, but they can
be at any position.

But I think we should blame Atari for this error ; the STE addendum doc
at gives
several examples which are wrong (only the first 3 are correct, the 2
others are wrong because they include "0" bits in the mask before the 3
data bits are received)

I changed microwire's decoding, based on the official LMC1992 datasheet.

When scanning mask register, decoding will start with the first "1" bit and ends when a "0" bit is received.
Corresponding bits of the data register are stored in a command variable.
If the command doesn't start with the address "10", it should be rejected..
We should then have at least 9 bits that represent the real command to execute. If more bits were received, then only the 9 latest ones should be kept to represent the command (LMC1992 allow to receive some "don't care" bits before the 9 last bits).

With this mask/data 0xc1ff/0x8000 are correctly rejected in Pacemaker demo by Paradox, and the YM sound can be heard (we keep mixer=1 set by TOS)

Unless tests by cyprian show different results, I think this should be the correct behaviour and should be bug proof in case some program use 0xffff as a mask for example.


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