Re: [hatari-devel] HD drive & partition limits

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W dniu 26.06.2014 19:17, Eero Tamminen pisze:

On torstai 26 kesäkuu 2014, Adam Klobukowski wrote:
According to HD driver FAQ:

ST/STE HW limit is 1GB:
"With the ACSI bus of the ST/STE mass storage devices with a capacity >
1 GiB can only be used with their full capacity with suitable host
adapters or
memory card adapters."

I hoped  Hatari already emulates those 'suitable' host adapters.

No.  Everything Hatari emulates is listed in the documentation:

If you're considering contributing emulation for host adapter(s)
to Hatari, please go ahead! :-)

(I don't think anybody of current developers has interest
on that, so it needs to come from outside.)

I think I tried 1GB too.

What sized partitions you used?


Partition max size limits are following for different TOS versions:
- TOS >= 4.x: 1024MB
- TOS >=1.04:  512MB
- older TOS:   256MB

Did you make *really* sure that partition content was using
correct FAT16 format?  Note also that some TOS versions corrupt
data on drives with VFAT directory entries.

MiNT & MagiC support FAT32 & ext2 partitions which don't have
these limits, but you need to boot them from smaller FAT16
partition on C:.

I ws not even close to trying to use VFAT. Usually everything got
corrupted after I wrote first files on partition.

What you used to format the partition?


Can someone please share an empty working image?
There is a sample image available on the hatari website:

Thanks, but I need something bigger :/

Ok, would 1 GB be sufficient? If yes, I'd recommend starting with
that size. I doubt that AHDI can handle bigger partitions, since
the initial ACSI bus specification had a limit to that size with
the addressing mode.

Yep, it should be enough.

Btw. Why do you need such a large image file
instead of using GEMDOS HD emulation...?

Because I want to test something that works only with ACSI.

SW or HW?

I'm trying to run STVidPLay, it completly bypases driver and calls ACSI by itself.


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