[hatari-devel] Joystick axis mapping patch

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Hi all,

some weeks ago I discovered that my joystick axis mapping is kernel
dependant and thus not always necessary. Until a rewrite of the joystick
subsystem is done, the following patch simply takes out the currently
defined auto remap.

The gamepad mention by patrick on Atari-forum.com should work again.


PS: I had problems using tortoisehg to generate a patch file. I had to
copy the displayed text to an editor and save seperately. I hope it
works correctly.


diff -r 2b50561c3bac src/joy.c
--- a/src/joy.c	Do Mai 29 19:58:34 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/joy.c	Fr Mai 30 10:42:38 2014 +0200
@@ -77,8 +77,9 @@
 	/* FIXME: Read those settings from a configuration file and make them tunable from the GUI. */
 	static const JOYAXISMAPPING AxisMappingTable [] =
-       		/* USB game pad with ID ID 0079:0011, sold by Speedlink */
-		{"USB Gamepad" , 3, 4},
+        /* Example entry for mapping joystick axis for a certain device: */
+       	/* USB game pad with ID ID 0079:0011, sold by Speedlink with axis 3 and 4 used */
+		/*{"USB Gamepad" , 3, 4}, */
 		/* Default entry used if no other SDL joystick name does match (should be last of this list) */
 		{"*DEFAULT*" , 0, 1},

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