Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Hatari debugging improvements / NatFeats Extension Patch

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Le 01/05/2014 11:44, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

I was thinking of some other potential debugging enhancements:

* Showing exception debugging indication in statusbar
   (maybe one letter per exception type)


I'm not sure about this one ; many games are using protections that trigger lots of exceptions to fool potential crackers, I'm afraid this would just make the status bar not very readable in that case. Although exceptions can be interesting to see when debugging your own crashing program, there're a lot of exceptions going on in "normal" cases that you certainly don't want to see, nor to be notified in the status bar.

Also, the status bar is already rather full, and I was thinking about adding some informations about current disk operations (track, sector, head, ...) which would require between 10 and 15 chars.

Regarding the other points of your lists, I don't have any opinion, I'm not a regular user of debugger / natfeats.


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