Re: [hatari-devel] STX support and more

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Am 27.05.2014 17:27, schrieb Matthias Arndt:
Am 27.05.2014 12:12, schrieb Nicolas Pomarède:

I just committed my changes to support Pasti / STX file format, as well as many FDC improvements that should make Hatari the most accurate ST's emulator when it comes to floppy :)

This is awesome and long awaited news! Well done and big cheers :)

I don't have that many .STX files but I will surely check my small collection in the coming days. Is there any special stuff needed, or do I simply do hg pull & hg update?

Best regards,
Never mind, I simply tried and the simple update worked. I could play Thundercats from my PASTI image already :)

I like that Hatari does not need a checkmark for PASTI support and that there is no annoying DLL nag screen coming up xD

But: the console gets cluttered with debug prints. Will this be removed for the release or can we include an option to show this information only when necessary? (As long as the image loads and there is no error, the normal user will not need this information what track is read with what mfm config)


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