[hatari-devel] STX support and more

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I just committed my changes to support Pasti / STX file format, as well as many FDC improvements that should make Hatari the most accurate ST's emulator when it comes to floppy :)

There's no official source or documentation for STX, so this is based on reverse engineering found on the web, as well as my own disassembly of pasti.prg.

I tested around 100-200 STX files, amongst those supposed to contain complex disk protection ; this sometimes required some fixes to the cpu emulation (for prefetch mainly), but so far all disks are working as good as with pasti.dll.

This is a summary of the changes :

- STX support, including protections based on variable byte duration or random/weak bytes

- support for latest capslibray v5, with CTR dump and some FDC fixes ; extensively tested with hundred of disk, all dumps working so far (note that capslib v5 is not released yet, so support for this is disabled at the moment)

- many improvements in the FDC emulation : hours spent on my STF to measure undocumented timings and behaviour, required to get results as close as possible to a real ST.

 - support for single/double sided drive

 - reworked floppy configuration screen

 - fixed autoinsert mode when using alt+d

For best results with STX, you should use TOS 1.02 or TOS 1.04, turn HD emulation off (can conflict with some protections) and use 1 MB RAM.

I will commit later a list of games that require specific settings, as well as a more detailled list of changes.

Now, we can finally run 'The Union Demo' ;-)


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