Re: [hatari-devel] debugger help

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On tiistai 11 helmikuu 2014, Douglas Little wrote:
> When you say 'next address' do you mean next logical PC address? Or next
> memory-contiguous address e.g. PC+opsize? It seems that when I stepped a
> conditional branch which closes a loop it would execute the whole loop
> before breaking and that suggests it executes until PC+opsize.

It's next memory contiguous instruction address, as reported by
the disassembler.  It just sets quiet breakpoint on that address.

> I remembered this because I had trace cpu_disasm enabled, and it took
> rather a long time to finish :-)

If that was on screen rendering loop, ouch...

> I'll make a note to test this again next time I debug, in case I
> misinterpreted something. It was this effect which caused me to start
> using 's' instead of 'n' because there is less margin for error...

If "next" should behave like "next" in other debuggers, it would
need to know what the current instruction will do, and depending
on that, either set breakpoint like now, or step one instruction.

Question is, what kind of instructions would require breakpoint
instead of stepping: BSR, JSR, BKPT, ILLG, STOP, TRAP...?

	- Eero

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