Re: [hatari-devel] debugger help

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If "next" should behave like "next" in other debuggers, it would
need to know what the current instruction will do, and depending
on that, either set breakpoint like now, or step one instruction.

Question is, what kind of instructions would require breakpoint
instead of stepping: BSR, JSR, BKPT, ILLG, STOP, TRAP...?

I agree this is probably difficult/complicated to implement in terms of predicting a breakpoint address. It's probably more comfortable as a hook in the emulation stepper itself, which informs the debugger of each new PC visited and provides an opportunity to break. Something like that which doesn't require the debugger to understand a lot of detail on what happened - shoves the work onto the emulator.

I don't know if that is something that fits well with Hatari and/or the existing cores - or what other side effects this would have on performance, if it could even be made optional etc. so that's another matter entirely...


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