Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari manual.html

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----- Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> On lauantai 22 helmikuu 2014, David Savinkoff wrote:
> > ----- Eero Tamminen wrote:
> > > There's a separate option for ST/e.  This is because
> > > scaling those is done completely differently from
> > > TT/Falcon video code.
> It's --desktop-st option.

OK, that is the ST version of the Falcon's "Keep desktop resolution"

I have not had a problem that required this option on either my
ViewSonic LCD monitor, or my NEC Mulitsync95 CRT monitor.

My usual setup is:
- Old core Hatari
- Atari ST/STe Low Resolution
- Full screen mode
- No Status bar or LED
- Full borders
- No frame skip
- Hatari TV mode (not RGB VGA or Mono)
--max-width 416  --max-height 312

> > --max-width <x> and --max-height <x> work correctly for ST/STe.
> > Do they work differently for the Falcon/TT?
> If you don't have borders enabled, they just affect whether
> ST/e screen gets doubled or not[2].  If you have borders enabled,
> they can also limit the size of the border.
> For ST --borders & --zoom options are easier [1], latter is
> backwards compatible convenience option to set both suitable
> max width & height.
> Why exactly you would want to use --max-width & --max-height
> with ST?

It makes my monitors display exactly the same as original hardware.

> [1] I just noticed that "-z 1" limits size to 300x200, I wonder
>     why, because "-z 2" includes doubled screen with full borders.
Maybe you could change this to the special cropped mode described

> > > (Former can only double size, latter can use any integer
> > > scaling factor, and the Atari sizes can differ a lot more
> > > too.)
> > 
> > --max-width <x> and --max-height <x> work as monitor resolution
> > selectors (good) more than as scale factors.
> Yes.
> [2] The scale factor is derived from (allowed) monitor
>     resolution though.
> > I like 1X scale for ST Low Resolution. The other scale factors
> > are simply a necessary evil.  eg.640x200 --> 640x400
> > 
> > The best low resolution at 1X is: --max-width 416  --max-height 312
> Does that height include statusbar with larger font?
No status bar or font. (see my usual setup above)

> (AFAIK max Atari overscan height is <300.)
> > Please don't change this. One thing I would like to see is a properly
> > cropped 400x300 mode.
> Proper in which sense?

Hatari displays more pixels than would be seen on original hardware.
If I were to select 416x312 and put opaque tape around the edges of
my monitor so that only 400x300 were visible, I would have a perfect
Atari ST emulation.
(original 4:3 aspect ratio)
(400x300 standard video mode with the least pixels)
(MPEG 1,2,4 friendly)

Note that the original topic of this email was that
--max-width <x>
--max-height <x>
are documented as exclusively Falcon/TT options when they are not.
Hatari's SDL menu for max-width and max-height is incorrectly laid out
under the Falcon/TT section .

David Savinkoff

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