Re: [hatari-devel] Videl / VBL interrupt issue in Hatari?

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Do you have version that doesn't require more correct DSP
timings provided by WinUAE CPU core?  If yes, I'm wondering
whether the issue is reproducible also with old UAE CPU core...

	- Eero

On maanantai 20 tammikuu 2014, Douglas Little wrote:
> Over lunchtime I made a few more tests to rule stuff out.
> - removed TimerA, to see what happens
> - regress/crash seems to stop
> - added some padding time after move.w #$2300,sr, to simulate something
> like a fake TimerA event at the critical time
> - doesn't seem to make any difference
> - restored TimerA, but prevented it from doing any work (i.e. early-out),
> however the padding time was left in the VBL to increase the chance of an
> interaction.
> - problem comes back immediately.
> - removed equivalent yield from TimerA, bug goes away again
> - i.e. bug only occurs with yields in both VBL and TimerA
> So it seems to be important that TimerA occurs inside the VBL after all -
> even if the TimerA just exits again. Note that TimerA also lowers
> interrupt mask and clears in-service-a bit 5 very early indeed since the
> rest is not time-critical and would otherwise block important stuff.
> Despite finding that TimerA is somehow involved, I still see no evidence
> of nesting between these two, when the regress occurs. The duration of
> TimerA also seems irrelevant - although the 'window of opportunity'
> inside the VBL does appear to be important.
> In summary: the bug only occurs if both interrupts (TimerA, VBL) yield
> early, despite TimerA duration being short, TimerC being too simple to
> matter, only IKBD remains (and keyboard is not being touched), and VBL
> spacing being a 55Hz period. I don't believe any other interrupts are on
> - except FDC/HDC and there are no disk accesses near the crash.
> This is very a strange result.
> Anyway it's probably best to ignore my concerns about the physbase
> register for now - there may or may not be a problem with that but it is
> probably not the same problem, and could just be my fault anyway. The
> more things I try, the less these two things seem to be related so I'll
> concentrate on TimerA for now.
> I have pasted the relevant interrupt code below. It's slightly simplified
> from the original release version of the game while investigating this
> bug - but the code below is what I am using to do that. Apart from the
> yielding thing used by both VBL and TimerA, there isn't much interesting
> going on at all. Most of the tricky areas (TimerB, heavy work on TimerA)
> have been removed, and this has no influence on the bug. TimerC is too
> simple to be interesting. Note that the videl register group updates
> happening occasionally in the game code are still present though - not
> removed those yet.
> I'm still doing tests to narrow things further. Will report again when I
> run out of stuff to try.
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> VBlank:
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.w        #$2700,sr
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.l        d0,-(sp)
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> ; this part is new - used to live in game loop. but shouldn't matter.
>     move.l        _bm_physbase,d0
>     beq.s        .npb                ; don't update physbase until valid
>     lsr.w        #8,d0
>     move.l        d0,$ffff8200.w
>     clr.b        $ffff820d.w            ; framebuffers are aligned
> anyway
> .npb:
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.l        (sp)+,d0
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.w        #$2300,sr ; *** enabling this leads to eventual crash
> ; TimerA, TimerC, IKBD can occur here (unnecessary, really)
> ; however VBL seems to occur and recurse, which is scary
> ; *** added fake delay added here to increase chance of interaction
>     move.w        #1000,-(sp)
> .ll subq.w        #1,(sp)
>     bne.s        .ll
>     addq.l        #2,sp
> ; remainder of routine
>     tst.w        timer
>     beq.s        .nd
>     subq.w        #1,timer
> .nd:    addq.l        #1,vbls                ; debug stuff
>     addq.w        #1,frame
>     addq.l        #1,$462.w
>     addq.l        #1,$466.w
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     rte
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> _BM_AudioTimerA:
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.w        #$2300,sr ; *** enabling this yield leads to eventual
> crash
>     bclr.b        #5,isra.w ; ***
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     movem.l        d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.w        _mux_buffer_index,d0
>     move.w        d0,d1
>     bchg        #0,d0
>     move.w        d0,_mux_buffer_index
>     move.l        _mux_buffer_pages,a0
>     move.l        (a0,d1.w*4),d1
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     lea        $ffff8902.w,a0
>     move.l        d1,d2
>     add.l        #320*4,d2
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.b        d1,5(a0)
>     lsr.w        #8,d1
>     move.l        d1,(a0)
>     move.b        d2,17(a0)
>     lsr.w        #8,d2
>     move.l        d2,12(a0)
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> ;    jsr        _audio_mux_frame ; *** this is expensive, but always < 1
> VBL ; disabling this work does not prevent crash
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     movem.l        (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
> ;    bclr.b        #5,isra.w   ; ** replacing yield with this prevents
> crash rte
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> TimerC:
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     ifd        bldcfg_profiler ; *** this is disabled
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     move.w        d0,-(sp)
>     move.w        prf_ctx,d0
>     addq.l        #1,(prf_contexts,d0.w*4)
>     move.w        (sp)+,d0
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     else        ;bldcfg_profiler
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     endc        ;bldcfg_profiler
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     addq.l        #1,tm_accumulator  ; internal profiling stuff
>     addq.l        #1,tm_clock
>     addq.l        #1,tm_superticks
>     addq.l        #1,$4ba.w
> *-------------------------------------------------------*
>     bclr        #5,isrb.w ; code is tiny - no need to yield early
>     rte

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