Re: [hatari-devel] Extended VDI screen in Falcon mode

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On maanantai 04 helmikuu 2013, Roger Burrows wrote:
> EmuTOS allocates memory for screen RAM at the top of Falcon memory.  It
> reserves 300K which is the largest amount it needs for any legal screen
> size. I suggest that Hatari limits its extended screen resolutions
> accordingly.

Done [1].  I think that's a good limit:

* Monochrome: max resolution of 2048x1200 or 1920x1280, which allows
  FHD (1920×1080), WUXGA (1920x1200) and QWXGA (2048x1152) standard

* 4-color mode: max resolution of 1280x960 or 1200*1024 which allows
  HD (1280x720), WXGA (1280x768) and XGA+ (1152x864) standard

* 16-color mode, max resolution of 1024x600 or 800x768, which allow
  qHD (960x540), DVGA (960x640), WSVGA (1024x576/600) standard

I.e. these should work pretty well on modern monitors and TVs.

(If there would be a 8-bit VDI mode, it would be limited to 640x480,
and 16-bit mode would be limited to 480x320.)

	- Eero

[1] Having a fixed memory limit in addition to max (mono) VDI
    limit actually allowed decreasing Hatari memory usage >1MB:

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