Re: [hatari-devel] Building Hatari from sources (debugger output issue)

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On perjantai 01 helmikuu 2013, laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx wrote:
> In complement, if this can help t understand the problem, if I enter the
> command dd, I get the following in the console :
> dd
> DSP disasm 0x51-0x59:
> dd
> DSP disasm 0x59-0x61:
> dd
> DSP disasm 0x61-0x69:
> So the text DSP disasm... displays in the console, but not the result of
> the command.
> Maybe this will be of any help.

Yes.  Above means that stdout goes to console, but stderr doesn't [1].
Both definitely should go to console.

I think the problem is this in src/gui-win/opencon.c:
void Win_OpenCon(void)
        if (!bExceptionDebugging)

        freopen("CON", "w", stdout);
        freopen("CON", "r", stdin);
        freopen("CON", "wr", stderr);

Last may fail because freopen() doesn't have a mode "wr"
(read & write modes are "r+", "w+" or "a+").

I changed that and added separate "-W" / "--wincon" options for
opening console on Windows.  I.e. "-D" doesn't anymore open
console on Windows, "-W" does:

Please test.

Note: the new configuration variable is there always, but the command
line option exists now only on Windows (WIN32).   If similar functionality
is added to some other platform, same config variable & options should be

	- Eero

[1] Hatari debugger output is a bit inconsistent when it uses
	stdout, stderr or the log file.  I intended to fix/clean up
	that some day.

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