Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari profiler updates and DSP cycle questions

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I changed it from min,max to max-min i.e. diff.  That way it's
much easier to notice when it happens and post-processor can
handle the differences as "cache misses".

That seems like a good way to do it.
In doomino demo, I got such thing in only one place out
of 1258 instructions:

In well-optimised code it should be rare but it would occur more often in 'support' code which doesn't get the same attention.

p:0447  0608a0         (04 cyc)  rep #$08            0.38% (960218, 3840872, 0)
p:0448  200032         (02 cyc)  asl a               3.04% (7681744, 15363488, 0)
p:0449  0bcc67         (04 cyc)  btst #7,a1          0.38% (960218, 3840872, 0)
p:044a  0af0a0 00044f  (07 cyc)  jcc p:$044f         0.38% (960218, 6721526, 0)
p:044c  45f400 ffff00  (05 cyc)  move #$ffff00,x1    0.19% (484216, 2421080, 0)
p:044e  200060         (02 cyc)  add x1,a            0.19% (484217, 968439, 3)
p:044f  44ee00         (05 cyc)  move x:(r6+n6),x0   0.38% (960219, 4801095, 0)

I think this is suspicious because 'add x1,a' is a trivial instruction which references no memory except it's own instruction fetch. Penalties are not possible on that instruction.

They will only be seen on instructions which have 2 or more memory accesses and where 2 or more of them come from external memory....
p:044f  44ee00         (05 cyc)  move x:(r6+n6),x0   0.38% (960219, 4801095, 0)

For example this one might see a penalty sometimes - since the program address is >$100 and the X: address it is fetching from *might* also be >$200, which would mean competition for the external bus inside a single opcode.

(note: internal P memory is half the size of internal X or Y, hence the $100/$200 boundaries mentioned above - IIRC (?) this is because P: addresses are twice as 'wide' - 2 words per address or 48bits... 2 fetches per opcode, which is also probably why no operation takes less than 2 osc cycles)


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