Re: [hatari-devel] Re: hatari profiler crash and profiler usage

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On tiistai 12 helmikuu 2013, Douglas Little wrote:
> Hi just a quick note to let you know the profiler crash is now gone -
> managed to extract profile data from an optimized build using the latest
> code without problems.

Great, thanks for testing!

> I'm still not quite geared up to use the profiler in anger - reworking
> quite a lot of code at the moment - but I will return to it before long
> when I start on the final optimization pass for both CPU and DSP.

By that time I hope to have callgraph generation also working.

It will generated .dot files which can be converted with "dot" tool
(from Graphviz package) to SVG, PostScript, PNG etc.

Just note that the callgraphs can be pretty big, most SVG and PostScript
viewers don't allow large enough zoom levels and as raster images callgraphs
would most likely take too much memory.   So you need a viewer that allows
very large zoom factors AND rasterizes just the visible part of the graphs.

Best viewer is this:

As it can show .dot files directly, without rasterising the whole thing.

Some other useable viewers are:
- DOT: dotty from graphviz package
- SVG: rsvg-view from rsvg-bin package
- PS/PDF: xpdf

	- Eero

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