[hatari-devel] Re: hatari profiler crash?

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Hi just a quick note to let you know the profiler crash is now gone - managed to extract profile data from an optimized build using the latest code without problems.

I'm still not quite geared up to use the profiler in anger - reworking quite a lot of code at the moment - but I will return to it before long when I start on the final optimization pass for both CPU and DSP.


On 11 February 2013 18:44, Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On maanantai 28 tammikuu 2013, Douglas Little wrote:
> Conclusion - it works with the patch applied.

I'm pretty sure I found the reason & fix for your crash:

Please test.

        - Eero

Ps. Valgrind actually found the bug, but as it seems to propagate undefined
value assignment from one variable to another and report an issue only
when the final variable's value is used for branching, I first looked
into several wrong places...

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