Re: [hatari-devel] Code execution discontinuities and detecting them? |
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On keskiviikko 27 helmikuu 2013, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> Le 27/02/2013 15:50, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
> > That is missing family enumation for the BRA instruction.
> > Could you add it for old and WinUAE CPU cores?
> No, I can't add it, it's really related to the cpu emulation in
> cpuemu.c, where BRA itself doesn't exist (BRA is a special case of Bcc
> where cc is always true)
> For this case, you would need to check OpcodeFamily == i_Bcc and then
> check the condition bits yourself in the current opcode.
If it's included into i_Bcc, that's fine.
- Eero