[hatari-devel] WinUAE CPU core cycles issue

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When looking into using OpcodeFamily variable in profiler, I found out that
the default WinUAE CPU core doesn't update that variable.

When I looked more into this, both OpcodeFamily and nWaitStateCycles [1]  
seem to be used when calculating  cycles taken by video (including spec512
mode and MFP timer-B) and Blitter.  The default WinUAE CPU core doesn't
keep either of these properly up to date.

So it's no wonder that many WinUAE CPU core cycles values are bogus.  That
will then naturally cause also DSP code to be run out of balance with CPU.

	- Eero

PS. In *old* UAE core do_trace() function, comments or opcodes are wrong:
        if (opcode == 0x4e72            /* RTE */
            || ((opcode & 0xf0f0) == 0x5050 /* DBcc */

  0x4e72 is STOP instruction and DBcc is matched with:
	(opcode & 0xf0f8) == 0x50c8

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