Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari customized build

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>  - no calling to binaries during build (CPU emu)

If you look into src/*cpu/CMakeLists.txt files, it's clear that
same code generators are built for both cores:
- build68k, to generate cpudefs.c (CPU definitions table)
- gencpu, to generate several cpu*.c files

In the old UAE CPU core case there are only two files generated
by gencpu:
        add_custom_command(OUTPUT cpuemu.c cpustbl.c
                COMMAND ${GENCPU_EXE}  DEPENDS gencpu)

In WinUAE case there are more:
        add_custom_command(OUTPUT cpustbl.c cpuemu_0.c cpuemu_11.c
                                cpuemu_20.c cpuemu_21.c cpuemu_31.c
                COMMAND ${GENCPU_EXE}  DEPENDS gencpu)

To skip the code generators, you need to provide the files
otherwise, but note that they will be removed when build
is cleaned.

> Unfortunately, I'm not really familiar with CMake. Please help.

Why do you want this?

Hatari CMake build files support cross-building Hatari.
If you have problems with that, please give the exact
details of your problem.

There is a backend for llvm compiler that generates _javascript_ code ( It was already successful with big codebases. Unfortunately, it does not work well when a part of build process is building&executing custom binaries. I already tried pre-generating cpu emulator code and then copying it over, to use with Emscripten, but build proces interferes and deletes that. If you could provide me with modified CMake script that does not delete it (or modify build process to grok with emscripten), I'll be fine.

My final goal, is to create a website where people can watch demos and play games in their browser without the need for installation or downloading anything, just by opening webpage.

Semper Fidelis

Adam Klobukowski

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